Local Habitat Efforts
Linn County Iowa Pheasants Forever can potentially assist you with your habitat goals on your land. Funds for projects are generated locally through support of members and community. Linn Co Pheasants Forever may offer flexible opportunities to assist with projects. If approved, Linn Co PF ask that you agree to maintain the project for a minimum of 5 years and become a member of Linn County Pheasants Forever.
Eligibility and funding will vary from year to year. Each project approved is required to install a chapter provided Pheasants Forever Habitat Sign. The sign is to be placed for maximum public viewing where possible.
If you would like additional details or have questions about this form, please contact the Habitat Chairman listed below. (Please note that we will likely inspect the site of the requested project)
Greg Johnston Phone: 319-210-1346
Follow us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/IowaLinnCoPF/

The Current Year Seed Program is now CLOSED. When the program has seed available, Linn County PF offered:
- Soybeans
- Grain Sorghum
- PF Blizzard Buster (https://www.pfhabitatstore.com/…/…/FP/Blizzard-Buster-25-bag) (no Corn is available)
If you are interested, please reach out to Linn County Habitat Coordinator: Greg Johnston 319-210-1346
Seed is available on a first come firsts serve basis.

Outreach through Habitat Improvement Initiatives
Did you know that Linn County PF is a resource for conservation, seed and project planning? Did you know that Linn County has 1,459 acres that have been addressed for Habitat Improvement Initiatives to date (as of January 2019)? How is this possible? We will fill you in on our not so secret, secret!
Linn County PF helps to fund field staff / Farm Bill Biologist Emery Davis. Emery works directly with landowners, businesses and homeowners on habitat improvement projects. Want to learn more on how Linn County PF and Emery can assist you? Contact us today in the link below titled "Online Habitat Improvement Application / Inquiry".
You may contact Emery Davis | Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist directly, also. His Office is located at NRCS 891 62nd St. in Marion, IA 52302. or via phone:
p. (319)377-4296 ext. 3796 | c. (319)212-0916 and edavis@pheasantsforever.org
If you are not in Linn County of neighboring counties and you want help in another part of the state, you can investigate this website: http://www.iowapf.net/staff/

Local Habitat Efforts & Funding Options
Linn County Pheasants Forever's members are passionate about conserve critical habitat for wildlife, butterflies, native plants and flowers, preservation of outdoor heritage traditions, create wildlife areas for public use and enjoyment, engage our community and assist with initiative that "No Child is Left Indoors".
This unique model empowers local chapters with the responsibility to determine how 100 percent of their locally-raised conservation funds will be spent.
Whether it's through improving habitat, informing the public about land management or educating future generations of hunting enthusiasts, conservation is the underlying principle in all we do at the grassroots level. Please see our photo gallery to see some of our projects!
Ways to fund habitat projects include:
- CRP: Conservation Reserve Program (Federally Funded)
- EQIP: Environmental Quality Incentives Program (Federal Cost Share)
- CSP: Conservation Stewardship Program (varies)
- FWS: Partners for Fish and Wildlife Service Program (Federal assist)
- REAP: Resource Enhancement And Protection (State cost share)
- Prairie Partner Program: Funding comes from local PF Chapter Seed sales (Linn County PF sells seeds and is a resource for reduced cost seed programs)
Contact us today by filling out an Online Habitat Improvement Application / Inquiry Form.

Pollinator Knowledge Sharing
Habitat is the critical piece to our supply chain for food. Because of this, Linn County Pheasants Forever has been working to educate the community on what they can do to help.
While we have projects, land and acres that are are working with, sharing our knowledge is important. An example of how we have messaged this in our area is by conducting a "Pollinator Pop" (pollinator seed ball) workshop. At an event that was conducted in October 2018, at the Ely Public Library, a team of volunteers from this chapter, community members and members of "Monarchs in Eastern Iowa" made over 500 seed balls that will be distributed in and around Linn County in Spring 2019.
To see future events of this nature, click on the Events Tab in this website and please Friend Linn Co PF on Facebook: Linn County, Iowa Pheasants Forever to see events there!

Example of Habitat Outreach - Rural Conservation Projects
When you think of Pheasants Forever what image do you imagine? First and foremost, PF is a habitat organization.
Linn County PF is here to help. We have habitat outreach assistance through our Farm Bill Biologist and Seed Program purchasing opportunities include habitat or food plot.
Pheasants Forever has a goal: To match site capabilities with plant species known to thrive under particular conditions thus establishing native plants which are well adapted to the differing soils and drainage gradients encountered across a field.
Want to learn more? Contact us today!

Preserving our Natural Resources
Creating, restoring, and maintaining habitat is a constant process.
We invite you to join the Linn County Pheasants Forever of Pheasants Forever in its quest to ensure a country rich in natural resources and long on people willing to work to preserve them.
Pheasants Forever has experience and a passion for our natural resources. Natural resources include pheasants, quail, and other wildlife, plus the land, air, and water on which they live - are our greatest resources.
(image on right is a controlled burn: Fire is a natural part of both forest and grassland ecology and controlled fire can be a tool for foresters. Hazard reduction or controlled burning is conducted during the cooler months to reduce fuel buildup and decrease the likelihood of serious hotter fires.

Example of Habitat Outreach - Cedar Rapids Andrew's Christian Academy
In July of 2019, Linn County PF embarked on a Habitat Project at Andrews Christian Academy (located at 2773 Edgewood Rd, Cedar Rapids, IA 52411). This initiative focused on a pollinator habitat and shown here is an image that was taken during the milkweed planting session.
This effort was not done in one day. Much planning took place before the planning session. Linn County PF's Greg Johnston prepared the soil in the fall of 2017 to assist with the seed taking hold and frost-seeded CP-25. While Linn County Pheasants Forever provided the labor, equipment and materials, 4 different kinds of Milkweed were supplied by The Monarch Watch at The University of Kansas.
The event had community volunteers who were comprised of both youth and adults who were helping for the betterment and education of Andrew's Christian Academy. Thanks to all for this community outreach and sustainment plan! Do you think you have a space or a project you would like to evaluated by Linn County PF? Let us know by clicking the button below.

Example of Habitat Outreach - Conservation Volunteers
Linn County Pheasants Forever is grateful for the involvement from our community and landowners.
Pictured here are two active members of Linn County Pheasants Forever. They are both active at a state and national level as well and their outreach with education and habitat is part of their daily lives. Thanks to volunteers like Jeff Pitlik and Wade Kisner who help with our local programs. Interested in learning more about how to volunteer with Linn County PF and mentor with volunteers like these two? Contact us today, we would love to see our chapter grow and share our knowledge!

Example of Habitat Outreach - Savanna Grassland Tree Planting Project (Squaw Creek Park, Marion, Iowa)
On August 22, 2016, the Linn County Pheasant Forever partnered with several local organizations including Hawkeye area Boy Scouts, Kirkwood Community College Conservation Club, PF Chapter members (Kyle and Chris Robinson, Jeff Pitlik, Dennis Goemaat, Forrest Kramer) for tree planting project at Linn County Conservation's Squaw Creek Park with a special Savanna Grassland Tree Planting Project.
See the project folder in this website for details on this group's efforts on this habitat project.